Clarification of Medication Regimens

RMS Consultations desires that every patient understand his or her medications, their side effects and therapeutic outcomes. Dr. Antoine Geffrard directs his consulting professionals to carefully review the kind, dosage, and time each prescription or over the counter drug, vitamin or supplement is taken. This information is so important, and together, we'll understand how it is, or is not, helping your health and overall function.

Pill load

Dr. Geffrard wishes to reduce "pill load"--that is, multiple medications, taken in various combinations at different times during the day or even throughout the week. He wishes to educate patients--and their prescribers--on medication:

  • Therapeutic effects, including the risks versus the benefits of each medication
  • Side effects, such as dizziness, blurred vision, dry mouth and nausea
  • Interactions with other medications
  • Allergies

He strives to streamline medication delivery, optimizing drug effectiveness and the patient's feeling of overall well-being. For instance, some medications may be combined in a single pill form, thus decreasing how many times a patient reaches for his medications or has to check on the completion of a certain prescription regimen.

At your review of medications at RMS Consultations, Dr. Geffrard will, at your request, provide your primary care physician a detailed letter outlining ways to increase medication safety and ease of compliance. He will modify dosages or prescribe alternative medications or supplements only at patient request. He'll fully consider how your prescriptions impact:

  • Your caloric intake and appetite
  • Activity level, including your energy, motivation and fine and gross motor skills
  • Balance and ability to walk and exercise
  • Sleep habits, including insomnia
  • Concentration, mood and memory
  • Pain level

For a complete review of your medications...

Secure a complete list from your primary care physician, pharmacist, personal care provider or family member. Dr. Geffrard will go over your medications with you and help you understand the purpose of each. He can even recommend ways to package your prescriptions to avoid medication errors, such as overdosing or missing doses. Plus, he alerts you to foods and environmental conditions (such as sun exposure) which could decrease the desired outcomes of your medications.

Your medication regimen

At RMS Consultations in Southfield, MI, we want your medications to be truly necessary, beneficial and accurately used to help you through your acute illness or ongoing medical condition. Please contact Dr. Antoine Geffrard and his dedicated team members for an individualized review: (248) 663-5353.

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Monday - Friday:

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:


Consultation Hours

Monday, Tuesday:

10:00 am - 4:15 pm

Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday:


Thursday, Friday:

1:00 pm - 4:15 pm