Understanding Chronic Diseases: What Are They and Why Do They Matter?

If you’re living with a chronic disease, you may understand how it can affect your daily life. Chronic diseases make it difficult to perform daily tasks and functions and can affect how you perform each day. It’s important to understand what chronic diseases are and how they can impact parts of your life. There are also ways to help manage your chronic diseases. Dr. Antoine Geffrard at RMS Consultations in Southfield, MI, can explain chronic diseases and what you might need to know. 

Understanding Chronic Diseases 

When you’re dealing with a chronic disease, many aspects of your life might be affected. It can be difficult to function each day and it’s crucial that you’re receiving the proper care for your issues. It’s important to talk to your doctor in Southfield, MI, about chronic diseases so that you can understand what changes you may need to make in order to increase your quality of life. 

Chronic diseases can be impacted by certain risky behaviors. This could include tobacco use, having a poor diet, not getting enough exercise and excessive alcohol usage. Common forms of chronic diseases include: 

  • Heart disease 
  • Stroke 
  • Cancer 
  • Diabetes 
  • Chronic lung disease 
  • Alzheimer’s disease 
  • Chronic kidney disease 

Some of these issues can be managed easily and even prevented. You can talk to your doctor about changes that you can make to your life to manage chronic diseases. This could include changing medications, quitting smoking, and managing a healthy diet and lifestyle. You may also want to consider alternative treatments to help you deal with any symptoms you might experience each day. 

Contact Our Doctor Today 

Find out more about chronic diseases. Contact Dr. Antoine Geffrard at RMS Consultations in Southfield, MI, to learn more about chronic diseases and how they can affect you. Call for more information today at (248) 663-5353.

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