Lifestyle Changes for a Healthier Weight

Are you feeling a little frustrated because you just can't seem to lose weight? Dr. Antoine Geffrard of RMS Consultations in Southfield, MI, can recommend lifestyle changes and treatments that will finally help you drop those extra pounds and keep them off.

What lifestyle changes can help me lose weight?

During your visit with the doctor, you'll discuss the factors that have contributed to your weight gain, your medical history, your activity level and the changes you've already made to control your weight. You may benefit from:

  • Changing Your Diet: Have you failed to lose weight despite counting calories and avoiding certain foods? Approaches that work well for your friends or relatives won't necessarily help you control your weight. The healthiest meal plans include a selection of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, and lean meat, poultry and fish. Your consultant can provide advice about portion sizes and choosing healthy foods and beverages during a nutritional counseling session.
  • Becoming More Active: Exercise not only helps you lose weight but keeps your heart, muscles and bones healthy. The American Heart Association recommends at least 2 1/2 hours of heart-pumping activity every week. Combining healthy eating with regular exercise can help you lose weight more quickly.
  • Reducing Stress: When you're stressed, it's easy to fall back into bad habits. You may find yourself reaching for a sugary snack or eating an entire bag of potato chips. Not surprisingly, exercise may be the last thing on your mind if you're stressed or anxious. Lowering your stress level with meditation, yoga, listening to music, or your favorite hobby can help you stay on track and avoid temptation.

Are you tired of struggling with your weight? Dr. Geffrard of RMS Consultations can help you lose weight safely and effectively. Call his Southfield, MI, office at (248) 663-5353 to schedule an appointment.

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10:00 am - 4:15 pm

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1:00 pm - 4:15 pm